Starting at Uni

One of the first things that impacted me when I started at university were my teachers. I was delighted to find them all incredibly passionate about music and highly skilled professionals, who have years of experience to share with us!
I've been opening to music in new ways as I learn...
Writing and reading music. The slow process of untangling the sound into numbers and beats, letters and notes. Understanding the world of electronics, PAs, mixers, recording softwares. Looking at different styles, artists, cultures and listening with new ears...what are the instruments? What is the melody doing? The rhythm? The message and inspiration?
And of course....
playing my guitar, singing, song writing, collaborating with my fellow students, making music!!!!
Stretching and growing.
Experimenting on a drum kit for the first time. Getting on stage every week (not to sing or play) as an times feeling confronted, what to say? How do I entertain without music?
It's been a busy first semester, doing four subjects and readjusting to study.
I totally love the course!!
Super grateful to be here emerged in the world of music :)
Below is a link to some youtube clips of my performance exam.
Wanted to share some of the creations happening in my life!!
Love, light and blessings *
Shells xxoo
