Where to start?
From an enthusiastic idea, I watched my dream grow into a reality...emails, venue bookings, plane tickets...and...off to Thailand! I flew with my guitar and a big backpack for 8 months on the road.
I began the trip with 3 1/2 months of yoga studies. Living in Southern Thailand on a gorgeous, tropical Island called Koh Pengang. Bike rides to and from the yoga school, a bungalow home, amazing Thai food and beautiful friends :)
"Leaping Photo's" became a new trend...we are planning to spread this exhilarating experience around the world...tee,hee!!
Did lots of songwriting and found myself drawn to the music venues, sharing and performing. Met a professional photographer, Esam Hassanyeh, who took some great pictures...perfect way to begin the music tour...
I did lots of street shows and had a great response...plus got to sing bagans in the park with the local Munich yogis too!!
Heading North to Koln for a unique music show in a funky hair dressing salon. It was such an appreciative audience, I got to tell lots of stories and put on a show...we left the venue as the sun was rising the next morning!
Berlin came next with it's artistic culture and diverse experiences. From old buildings and history, trendy markets and shinny new shops, to grungy converted warehouses and bohemian areas.
Got to jam on the street with a trumpet player :)
Supporting a local german songwriter Sascha Katerbach, was my last gig in Aachen, Germany.
Made it to Northern France in time to see my friend Shane Lestideau perform with her band Aodan at a huge boat festival in Brest.
I got to have her up as my special guest violinist for my shows in France (yay!) and she took me to some great Irish sessions too! So once I actually got to Ireland, I had an idea what I was in for ;) Had the best gig in this little pub, in a quaint French village, funky bass guitarist and drummer joined me...later in the night there must have been 7 of us on stage...electric guitars, violin, percussion...sooo great to hear my songs come to life with a big, full sound!!!
Dublin was a songwriters delight, lots of venues, lots of musicians providing live music every night, if I'd had the stamina to party that much, which I don't! Explored beaches, saw seals (waaah so cool!), stone circles, an ancient tomb, castles and yes! I did go to Irish sessions in Ireland (of course!!)
Had a crazy week of travel. From Ireland I caught the ferry back to France, train to Paris, then onto Zurich for my flight to LA in America...I was pretty jet lagged by the end of that week!!
Touring up the west coast, I did shows in San Francisco, Sacramento, Chico, Santa Rosa and Sebastapol, Northern California, Portland and finishing up near Seattle on Bainbridge Island.
Been so inspired by the abundance of organic food too. Big Co-ops and food gardens everywhere...in homes, schools, communities...I love the west coast :)
Got to spend lots of time adventuring in wild open spaces, through gorges, forests, mountains, rivers and beaches...lifting my spirit so much!!
Now it wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention all the beautiful friends who made this journey so rich and full, sharing their home, their life, laughter and connection. Providing bikes, maps, local information, adventures, computers, phones, even a Paris apartment...you name it and my wonderful friends were there helping out!
Thank you all sooo much!!!
My heart aches a little to say goodbye, so I usually compromise and simply finish with "see you next time!"
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Lao Tzu