Managing my music...

my head is filled with new ideas...
update your website
get 'myspace' happening
record new tunz
go digital
book more gigs
.... and on and on this list grows =)
I remind myself to take small steps. Chip chip chip. I slowly scratch the surface. Sitting in front of a computer screen, making calls on a mobile phone. My eyes growing square, my ears buzzing.
The rest of the time.... ahhhhhhh.... the good stuff... playing my guitar and singing... songwriting.
To find my balance!
Up here in the sun, in the lush green forests, North Qld still holds paradise up to my lips. As I explore the world under the ocean... cities of colourful coral stretch on as far as I can see, I follow turtles, float amongst the fish and gasp as my first shark swims by.
Nature keeps me smiling and grateful... what a wonderful place we live in!
I take a day out.
To sit inside.
To get somewhere.
To share my music.
